Project Ambition, objectives and Work Packages
Work Package
The structure of the work plan of QUANTIFY is divided into seven work packages (WPs): WP1 will deal with the general management and coordination of the project. Within the WP2 all the technological activities aimed at developing the key building blocks and the platforms for supporting the miniaturization of the quantum enhanced sensors will be developed. In WP3, WP4, WP5 the complete systems for the three quantum-enhanced sensors will be developed. In order: an optically pumped magnetometer, a two-photon optical clock and a nano-optomechanical temperature sensor. WP6 will focus on the metrological assessment and performance characterization of the three innovative quantum enhanced sensors and the key building blocks developed in the WP2. WP7 will be responsible for the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities.
WP1 – Coordination and project management
WP Leader INRiM, Dr. Giulia Aprile
1. Grant fulfilment as intended on-time, on-cost, on-quality;
2. European Commission and partners satisfaction;
3. Management of deployment time scheduling and coordination.
WP2 – Realization of photonic integrated building blocks
WP Leader UGent, Prof. Bart Kuyken
1. Develop the technology for miniaturizing the key building blocks of the quantum enhanced sensors;
2. Realization of photonic integrated tunable lasers on SiN at 780 nm and 1550 nm;
3. Realization of PIC (GaP and LNOI components) and hot vapor Rb MEMS cells
4. Realization of uTP of LNOI and GaP structures on SiN to deliver the PICSq and nano-OMO.
WP3 – Quantum-enhanced optically pumped megnetometer
WP Leader ICFO-CREA, Prof. Morgan Mitchell
1. Develop a photonic-integrated polarization-squeezed light source for OPM applications;
2. Develop squeezed-light-optimized MEMS cells for OPM application;
3. Develop and demonstrate quantum- enhancement protocols tailored to photonic-integrated squeezers and MEMS cells.
WP4 – Development of a Rb-based Optical Clock
WP Leader CSEM, Dr. Laurent Balet
1. Develop the key building blocks for the miniaturization of the OLOSS and ARSS of a two- photon optical clock system, namely the laser source by heterogeneous photonic integration and the Rb cell by using MEMS technology.
2. Investigate the quantum enhancement obtained by squeezed states on the short- and long-term stability of a two-photon optical clock.
3. Develop a photonic integrated squeezed light source to miniaturize the OLOSS of a quantum-enhancement two-photon optical clock and assess its performances.
WP5 – Development of an optomechanical thermometer
WP Leader SU, Dr. Tristan Briant
1. Characterize and demonstrate the operation of novel quantum temperature sensors based on an optomechanical 2D membrane.
2. Provide new standards for self-calibrated embedded sensor applications oroptimized high resolution and high reliability optomechanical sensors based on multi-physics read-out to measure temperature at the nano and mesoscales and over a large temperature range (cryogenic to room temperature).
3. Development of multi-physics classical and quantum optical read-out to make a proof of principle that these new sensors could be either used as very sensitive relative thermometers or directly as primary sensors over a large temperature range (possible replacement for the Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometers, broadly used in temperature metrology).
4. Preliminary test on a highly integrated design.
WP6 – Metrology Assessment of key building blocks and quantum sensors
WP Leader INRiM, Dr. Giulia Aprile
1. Metrological assessment and calibration of free advanced quantum sensors (magnetometer, thermometer, optical clock) and essential building blocks.
WP7 – Dissemination, exploitation and impact
WP Leader UHAM, Dr. Roman Schnabel
1. Develop a communication, dissemination and exploitation successful strategy.
2. Develop its researched technology concepts.
3. Realized hardware towards commercial applications and devices.
Quantify Details
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or name of the granting autority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.